The European Union (EU) amended Annex I of the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation by setting a limit value for Hexachlorobenzene. The change became effective in all Member states on the 13th of December, 2022.
Hexachlorobenzene is a persistent organic pollutant formerly used in agriculture as a pesticide. It is now banned in most countries due to its persistence in the environment and its toxicity to humans and animals. Although Hexachlorobenzene has been listed in Annex I to the POPs Regulation, it has in the past been without an Unintentional Trace Contaminant (UTC) limit value.
The new limit is 10 mg/kg for Hexachlorobenzene in substances, articles or mixtures. Any articles brought into the EU market that contain Hexachlorobenzene must have a lower concentration level than this threshold.
Click here to access Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2019/1021.
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